I am a Java Software Engineer, an enthusiastic Tesla Roadster driver who enjoys playing Japanese Taiko and loves to travel the world when time is available.
Give Me a Lever Long Enough … and I Can Move the World
Many years ago, when I first read the book The FIFTH DISCIPLINE, The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization by Peter M. Senge, I was not aware at all of being once a small wheel within the electric car community, that constantly strengthens the leverage to move the world into a new direction, in how we think about mobility in general.
Leverage as the bottom line of Systems Thinking sees actions and changes in structures leading to significant and enduring improvements, e.g. in the way we travel. Following the principle of economy of means, where the best results come from small well-focused actions, the electric car shall step by step make its way into the minds of people by reasonable, everlasting development and common sense.
I want to be part of this community and the vehicle to transport this message is my
Picture taken by Bildermeister @ MEILENWERK Lake Zurich, October 13th 2012
I am 53 years of age, married and live in Bachenbülach, Zurich, Switzerland. Since September 2011 I use the all electric Tesla Roadster daily. Whenever I don’t drive, I recharge the car using my home 32 A charging point.
The Swiss Tesla Owners Club opened up a wide range of friendship I never experienced before. Experience, knowledge and all kind of support in this community is very admirable. Expanding my social network all around Europe and hopefully soon around the world, significantly improved my life.
The kind of adventure such as traveling in a space craft and without any CO2 emissions while
- doing my daily business
- driving in the alps
- meet my Tesla colleagues at a Tesla-Tuesday reloaded
- doing trips to Edinburgh, Scotland, 2012 or to CAT, Wales, 2013
- enjoying a speedy run at 11th Klausenrennen 2013
- participating in the Montreux Grands Prix 2012
- joining other sport cars in St. Moritz 2012 and 2013
- visiting the transportation museum in Lucern 2012
- visiting the auto saloon in Geneva 2012
- participating in the WAVE trophy 2014
is likewise recovering, joy, fun and having the certainty to become more and more energy independent from oil producing countries and to have self-determination for our energy future.