Another example how the roadster crew is managing with the space challenge inside the roadster cabin. The electric blue bagĀ š includes the following items:
- 1 iPad
- 1 BlackBerry phone
- 1 Galaxy S3 phone
- 1 battery pack ( 4 Li-Ion batteries, eg. used for the Canon camera)
- 1 iPod
- 1 power bus
- 1 power charging cable
- all item charging cables, bold pens, writing paper, the flag, cards, cash and many more small items used for daily events, driving etc.
Organizing and optimizing space in the trunk and the cabin is intensifying. There is absolutely no doubt, that teamĀ Electric Blue Ā isĀ mastering all thisĀ š
Due to the fact, that space is very rare in the Tesla roadster, the team is always looking for ways to maximize the available space for the trunk and cabin.

One possibility is shown here:
First aid package fixed with a hook-and-loop fastener at the side of the electronics module just above the left rear wheel. The rear deck is covering the first aid package completely. Instead this stuff would had to find its place somewhere in the trunk or the cabin.
So the team got some extra space for electronicsĀ š
Team Electric Blue has the latest available Open Vehicle Monitoring System firmware update ( version 2.6.5 / TR / V2 ) ready in the car.
Excitement is mountingĀ š
Toys for boys … or toys for boys and girlsĀ š
Girls love our team car too.
A blue Leaf, Paul’s darling, and the new roadster with 3 seats on the occasion of the KoReLation event at the UmweltarenaĀ in Spreitenbach, Switzerland. Continue reading Next Generation EV Drivers →
Team Electric Blue has the Open Vehicle Monitoring System ( OVMS ) on board.
Tesla Motors has made all car data available on its CAN-bus. An app e.g. for the iPad, iPhone or any Android phone can make the data visible at any time by contacting the OVMS server. Using GSM, the car delivers the data to the server.
The data-stream covers information such as:
- battery status ( percentage )
- remaining range
- temperatures ( PEM, motor, battery )
- car location ( using google maps )
- charging points ( e.g. directions, locations, addresses, plug types )
- and much more