Are electric cars just toys for boys? No way! Petra Nass and her team “Women in Charge” from Munich with a red Tesla Roadster will be joining the WAVE 2014.
Can the “Women in Charge” team beat Electric Blue?
Are electric cars just toys for boys? No way! Petra Nass and her team “Women in Charge” from Munich with a red Tesla Roadster will be joining the WAVE 2014.
Can the “Women in Charge” team beat Electric Blue?
Toys for boys … or toys for boys and girlsĀ š
Girls love our team car too.
A blue Leaf, Paul’s darling, and the new roadster with 3 seats on the occasion of the KoReLation event at the UmweltarenaĀ in Spreitenbach, Switzerland. Continue reading Next Generation EV Drivers
Hey folks, watch out for the two guys, Paul Churchley and Markus Doessegger, wearing the following polo shirt
It is a strange new world! In today’s world of technology and computers gone are the times when you check in at the airport.
I am flying with EasyJet from Gatwick to Zurich on 28th May and I have checked in for the flight, and for the return flight on 9th June, already. I feel a little strange sitting here in my lounge, 2 weeks before the flight, having already checked in with my boarding passesĀ already printed!
I prefer it this way but how times are changing.
The WAVE is open for all clean and smart ways of transportation, like cable cars that transport people across the cities, in a clean, safe and energy efficient way. This idea will be promoted by team “Seilbahn Koblenz Powered by Doppelmayr” on the WAVE 2014 with their Citysax!
We have a cable car in London now. This is a transport not just for mountains but for everywhere of the future. It is ELECTRIC!